Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Man returns stolen Android tablet when he can't work it

Charity begins by stealing things and taking them home.
However if you get home and you can't get the thing you've stolen to work, charity ends with you taking the thing back.
andtablet.jpgYes, I am sober. Please let me explain. A man from Sunderland in northern England stole an Android tablet from a charity store, according to court documents. Christopher Hooson apparently saw it in the window of the Jonny Kennedy store in Whitley Bay and thought: "I'll have that."
There was one small problem. When he brought it home he didn't know how to get it to work. It's unclear why this was so. What is clearer is that, eight days later, Hooson took it back to the charity store and showed his deep good-heartedness. He tried to donate the tablet back to the store.
This move was unwise. Even charity stores have CCTV. And so Hooson, age 33, ended up in court to defend himself.

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